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XtreamUI 22F Docker Container

Resource XtreamUI 22F Docker Container 22f

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Jun 11, 2020
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eqengaj27 submitted a new resource:

XtreamUI 22F Docker Container - fully-working

With simple words it means all you get to do is
1. install docker
2. install docker-compose
3. execute docker-compose -f image.yml up -d
4. Visit your-server-public-ip:25500 Voila! you got xtreamui installed now login with user: admin pw: admin

After purchase follow download link for how to setup guide.

After purchase feel free to ask questions if you have problems with setup.

Read more about this resource...
This resource has been reported as working in 0 time(s), and as not-working 0 time(s) this month.
(0 time(s) working and 0 time(s) not-working in total)
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May 22, 2020
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can you tell us a bit more about this and what it is really and also provide some screenies


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Jun 11, 2020
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can you tell us a bit more about this and what it is really and also provide some screenies
as it says itself XtreamUI 22F Docker Container - fully-working
it means that docker.com containers are used in order to create a container install xtreamui totally set it up and deliver it to you, and you can install docker anywhere on ubuntu, centos, debian, windows or whatever. That also means you can have xtream-ui on all of these since they support docker.

With simple words it means all you get to do is
1. install docker
2. install docker-compose
3. execute docker-compose -f image.yml up -d
4. Visit your-server-public-ip:25500 Voila! you got xtreamui installed now login with user: admin pw: admin

Ppl who purchase on forum can ask me questions if they have problems with docker or setup. (But not xtreamui support related questions please i'm not xtreamui support)
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Channels MatchTime Unblock CDN Offshore Server Contact
100 cnx / 90€ 5Gbps / 180€ 48CPU-256GRAM 10Gbps 569€ Skype live:giefsl
500 cnx / 350€ 10Gbps / 350€ 48CPU-128GRAM 5Gbps / 349€ TG @changglobize
1000 cnx / 500€ 20Gbps / 700€ 40CPU-128GRAM 20Gbps / €980 http://coronaserver.com


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Jun 11, 2020
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yeh, me too, idk what that is, could you give us more information about it?
there's not much i can say to you unless i write you here all what you can read on docker.com

with simple words docker is a kind of virtualization similar to virtualbox or vmware or libvirt, it can be installed on most of OSs linux and windows, is very easy to manage it uses private ip ranges for "machines" you create on your server, and it supports a ez method to port forward from your public ip to docker container private ip.

But limited to not being able to have a full virtualization like kernel features (uses same shared kernel for all docker containers) or proc etc is limited so it can run on minimal resources and can work even with a small vps server with 2GB Ram, 1vCore. And you don't require hyper-v or kvm virtualization feature enabled it can work even without that because is a simple small container not full virtual machine.

So i've created a container installed xtreamui there, upload this container on docker registry so all of those who purchase it can download and use this container with preinstalled xtreamui.

After purchase on setup guide is a video tutorial that shows you how to install docker + docker compose, the guide also explains you basic cmds to see/manage/start/stop the container i've created, to setup i'm also giving support so if you're stuck somewhere ask.

Having your apps ex xtreamui on docker gives you the ability to fly from one server to another one in no time because everything is on container all you need to do is just move container to new server and you're done :geek:
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Ext. Member
Sep 15, 2020
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Stephen's City, VA USA
I just installed this yesterday to try it out on Docker and it was a breeze to setup, time from first command to login was around 5 minutes. However that's where thing get a little strange. And I'm pretty sure the issue may lay in SQL. Whenever I create new users or even change the default admin password, any changes I make to the server returns to default each time I reboot the server. The reason I tried rebooting the server in the first place is because new user setups were not able to reach the server in any fashion after creating them. The test123 user that was already created in your boot image did work from my ip and the credentials you gave it. That user works but no new users can be created successfully. I setup r22 manually a few days ago on a clean ubuntu 18.04 install and I am able to create active working users on it. So is it in the SQL setting that are messing me up with your docker build? If so how do I access them to change them...


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Jun 11, 2020
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I just installed this yesterday to try it out on Docker and it was a breeze to setup, time from first command to login was around 5 minutes.
That's not my problem that's your server dying because you're creating a 5GB container.

What you've said else is your problem i did not share XUI admin panel or full panel working 100%, i shared a custom build of working xtream-ui now i set it up, and i created a test user i also tested live stream of m3u8 links and it was working, what happens after that is really not my response because you can edit or replace admin files anytime after you purchase click "go to download" and read the page it tells you how to access xtream-ui files

mysql infos are into container at /root/MYSQL_INFO or you can simply decrypt config file.

At the end you and everyone else should keep in mind that my point was to make XUI available on Docker Container and not to share a working xtream-ui copy.
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Channels MatchTime Unblock CDN Offshore Server Contact
100 cnx / 90€ 5Gbps / 180€ 48CPU-256GRAM 10Gbps 569€ Skype live:giefsl
500 cnx / 350€ 10Gbps / 350€ 48CPU-128GRAM 5Gbps / 349€ TG @changglobize
1000 cnx / 500€ 20Gbps / 700€ 40CPU-128GRAM 20Gbps / €980 http://coronaserver.com


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Sep 15, 2020
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Stephen's City, VA USA
That's not my problem that's your server dying because you're creating a 5GB container.

What you've said else is your problem i did not share XUI admin panel or full panel working 100%, i shared a custom build of working xtream-ui now i set it up, and i created a test user i also tested live stream of m3u8 links and it was working, what happens after that is really not my response because you can edit or replace admin files anytime after you purchase click "go to download" and read the page it tells you how to access xtream-ui files

mysql infos are into container at /root/MYSQL_INFO or you can simply decrypt config file.

At the end you and everyone else should keep in mind that my point was to make XUI available on Docker Container and not to share a working xtream-ui copy.
I read everything you posted about this docker config previous to allowing the 10 credits to download and try it out. Which even before sending the 10 credits I already had the git location open and the Container setup. Not because I was trying to get around applying the credits, I actually found the install location for this before I read this post at all, I came across it from a random docker catalog search a few days ago. The instructions posted on the page ended in error on initial attempt at install due to a conflict with the version reference made in the yml. That was simple enough to correct and upon doing so the rest of the install proceeded without any issues.

I then came across you post in this forum searching for a solution to one of the issues mentioned above and saw where you offered your voice in reference to your custom container for a small asking quota to which I was happy to oblige. Since my registration to this forum is relatively new, I had to follow the guidelines presented and do my part to establish my profile enough to collect 10 credits so to speak with you, which took about 24 hours in bits here and there reading over other posts and getting to know the forum a bit more which was well worth the time.

All that being said, I'd like to once again try to explain the direction I attempted to approach you with earlier but in a more descriptive context as which to explain why I imagined my question to you would fit the grounds mentioned by you as which were appropriate to contact for help.

As mentioned before I have previously setup a normal XUI admin panel from scratch and it is still being managed in a functional state so I understand the basics of it. I thought the idea of a docker based panel could be beneficial in many ways, which is why I first located your install page from my global catalog search after researching the thought I had. Rather then attempt to build the docker panel from scratch I wanted to attempt to deploy a pre-built 3rd party build for the reason that this is the major feature I was interested in by using docker in the first place. I wanted to see if, after building my own docker setup from scratch I could then use my build as a base model to deploy them in various stages of functional states to other users.

Rather then waste time with trial and error in the attempt of something I'd never tried before to have a possible negative end result, I wanted to test on a prebuilt model that was in any various stage of functionality so to save precious time as I am a person of many many ongoing projects at once all the time.

My only question to you that I wished to have answered applied to the way the data was being stored in this particular xtream-ui panel that "you" created. I figured since you created it, you would be the best ear to voice a response to my question.

I compared the config files between the normal fully functional xstream-ui panel that I set up to the config of your docker approach side by side and although there are obvious differences, I do not see any that would cause the issue that I am having, which pertains any saved changes I make to the panel only staying with the panel for current instance until the nginx service is restarted, the only changes I have tried are setting up a couple new users and changing the admin password from default to my own, that's all I've attempted to change nothing else.

The change to the admin password works, I can logout and back in with it, but as soon as I restart the nginx serivce from ssh/restart the docker service, and return to login with my new credentials, they no longer work and have been reset to default. The latter, the new users I setup, first, although showing in the manage users category after setup as active, they credentials made for them never work for any panel related functions as they do with the same setup in my other personal panel. Furthermore just like the admin credentials, upon restarting the docker serivce, the new users I made no longer exist in the panel, the only that maintains is the test123 user that you created on build. That user also works for panel related functions.

THE REASON that I considered this a question that fit the bill of your reasoning for asking you questions as mentioned in the post for this in the first place is because none of these occurrences I am having are regular to any other xstream-ui build that I have seen. They all seem to be unique to your build.

I am familiar with mysql and php and understand that stored information/credentials are saved in the mysql db that's why I was asking if you had some abnormal mysql config that I .. HAVE NOT been able to locate. As I looked in all the normal locations for the config and also after your last response in the location that you mentioned and none of those locations hold the config files needed. That's why I asked if you had changed the default mysql password or user on this build because if nothing else with that information I can login and correct it manually.

I didn't expect or ask for a turnkey panel when I installed this. I just need a little info as to if there was any out of the ordinary settings or config changes that you may have made while setting this "custom" panel up as I have tried and cannot replicate the issues on my personal build and there is no errors to speak of in the logs to reference.



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Jun 11, 2020
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I read everything you posted about this docker config previous to allowing the 10 credits to download and try it out. Which even before sending the 10 credits I already had the git location open and the Container setup. Not because I was trying to get around applying the credits, I actually found the install location for this before I read this post at all, I came across it from a random docker catalog search a few days ago. The instructions posted on the page ended in error on initial attempt at install due to a conflict with the version reference made in the yml. That was simple enough to correct and upon doing so the rest of the install proceeded without any issues.

I then came across you post in this forum searching for a solution to one of the issues mentioned above and saw where you offered your voice in reference to your custom container for a small asking quota to which I was happy to oblige. Since my registration to this forum is relatively new, I had to follow the guidelines presented and do my part to establish my profile enough to collect 10 credits so to speak with you, which took about 24 hours in bits here and there reading over other posts and getting to know the forum a bit more which was well worth the time.

All that being said, I'd like to once again try to explain the direction I attempted to approach you with earlier but in a more descriptive context as which to explain why I imagined my question to you would fit the grounds mentioned by you as which were appropriate to contact for help.

As mentioned before I have previously setup a normal XUI admin panel from scratch and it is still being managed in a functional state so I understand the basics of it. I thought the idea of a docker based panel could be beneficial in many ways, which is why I first located your install page from my global catalog search after researching the thought I had. Rather then attempt to build the docker panel from scratch I wanted to attempt to deploy a pre-built 3rd party build for the reason that this is the major feature I was interested in by using docker in the first place. I wanted to see if, after building my own docker setup from scratch I could then use my build as a base model to deploy them in various stages of functional states to other users.

Rather then waste time with trial and error in the attempt of something I'd never tried before to have a possible negative end result, I wanted to test on a prebuilt model that was in any various stage of functionality so to save precious time as I am a person of many many ongoing projects at once all the time.

My only question to you that I wished to have answered applied to the way the data was being stored in this particular xtream-ui panel that "you" created. I figured since you created it, you would be the best ear to voice a response to my question.

I compared the config files between the normal fully functional xstream-ui panel that I set up to the config of your docker approach side by side and although there are obvious differences, I do not see any that would cause the issue that I am having, which pertains any saved changes I make to the panel only staying with the panel for current instance until the nginx service is restarted, the only changes I have tried are setting up a couple new users and changing the admin password from default to my own, that's all I've attempted to change nothing else.

The change to the admin password works, I can logout and back in with it, but as soon as I restart the nginx serivce from ssh/restart the docker service, and return to login with my new credentials, they no longer work and have been reset to default. The latter, the new users I setup, first, although showing in the manage users category after setup as active, they credentials made for them never work for any panel related functions as they do with the same setup in my other personal panel. Furthermore just like the admin credentials, upon restarting the docker serivce, the new users I made no longer exist in the panel, the only that maintains is the test123 user that you created on build. That user also works for panel related functions.

THE REASON that I considered this a question that fit the bill of your reasoning for asking you questions as mentioned in the post for this in the first place is because none of these occurrences I am having are regular to any other xstream-ui build that I have seen. They all seem to be unique to your build.

I am familiar with mysql and php and understand that stored information/credentials are saved in the mysql db that's why I was asking if you had some abnormal mysql config that I .. HAVE NOT been able to locate. As I looked in all the normal locations for the config and also after your last response in the location that you mentioned and none of those locations hold the config files needed. That's why I asked if you had changed the default mysql password or user on this build because if nothing else with that information I can login and correct it manually.

I didn't expect or ask for a turnkey panel when I installed this. I just need a little info as to if there was any out of the ordinary settings or config changes that you may have made while setting this "custom" panel up as I have tried and cannot replicate the issues on my personal build and there is no errors to speak of in the logs to reference.

did you really had to write this much only to tell me that things are not working as you want, i'm sorry for making you to register on forum just so you can ask about this but coming on this forum can lead to many other options as you can talk with many ppl who are/work/deal with same things/problems which you've seen.

However sadly the forum has no refund method or credit return so i cannot do anything about the 10 credits you lost! The reason why you were able to find my project was only because it was left to public by me and that's the reason why it has a lower price of just 10 credits!.

But to quote myself
"i'll give support if something related to installation is not working and not xtream-ui related problems"

Even tho i'm not supposed to give support about this. I did another video just so you say users are getting deleted and so i did not see that kind of problem here's the video

you had some abnormal mysql config that
please read more https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mycnf/
those are basics nothing is abnormal.
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Channels MatchTime Unblock CDN Offshore Server Contact
100 cnx / 90€ 5Gbps / 180€ 48CPU-256GRAM 10Gbps 569€ Skype live:giefsl
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Sep 26, 2019
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near home
thanks for the job,were are the files admin located /!?
Channels MatchTime Unblock CDN Offshore Server Contact
100 cnx / 90€ 5Gbps / 180€ 48CPU-256GRAM 10Gbps 569€ Skype live:giefsl
500 cnx / 350€ 10Gbps / 350€ 48CPU-128GRAM 5Gbps / 349€ TG @changglobize
1000 cnx / 500€ 20Gbps / 700€ 40CPU-128GRAM 20Gbps / €980 http://coronaserver.com


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May 26, 2020
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eqengaj27 submitted a new resource:

XtreamUI 22F Docker Container - fully-working

With simple words it means all you get to do is
1. install docker
2. install docker-compose
3. execute docker-compose -f image.yml up -d
4. Visit your-server-public-ip:25500 Voila! you got xtreamui installed now login with user: admin pw: admin

After purchase follow download link for how to setup guide.

After purchase feel free to ask questions if you have problems with setup.

Read more about this resource...
Hey, very chevere compa!
Channels MatchTime Unblock CDN Offshore Server Contact
100 cnx / 90€ 5Gbps / 180€ 48CPU-256GRAM 10Gbps 569€ Skype live:giefsl
500 cnx / 350€ 10Gbps / 350€ 48CPU-128GRAM 5Gbps / 349€ TG @changglobize
1000 cnx / 500€ 20Gbps / 700€ 40CPU-128GRAM 20Gbps / €980 http://coronaserver.com


Extended Member
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Jun 11, 2020
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Awesome Post. Definitely I will test this. :)
the docker container has a custom build of nginx/php so they can work inside docker containers, admin files or mysql may not be 100% right, i don't use xui but i tested creating user/categories did a stream test and it worked idk about rest of stuff, saying this since many ppl purchased it thinking it was a 100% fully working thing. project is available in github for free you can test it if you think it was worth then feel free to purchase here for support šŸ˜€


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May 1, 2020
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Does it still working (fully)?
More precisely:
what does it need to be fully functional?
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